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Dogs LOVE to eat!

Some dogs will even try to snack on some of your food as well! While it’s not the best idea to feed your dog table scraps right from the table, some “human” food isn’t too bad for dogs, and can even be really healthy snacks. However, some foods are NOT good for dogs and can even cause severe issues.

Let’s go over some of the foods that should be avoided, then we’ll go over some foods that are good for dogs as well!

What Your Dog Shouldn’t Eat!

Some foods are best avoided by dogs. The following list of foods are just some of those foods dogs probably shouldn’t eat.

Kicking off our list of unhealthy snacks we have asparagus. This is an interesting veggie, especially when it comes to dogs. It can be hard for dogs to eat uncooked and once asparagus is cooked there is no nutritional value left for them to enjoy. There are many better foods that you could feed your dog. (as we have listed below!)
Avocado, even though it is great in guacamole, is NOT good for dogs. Avocado contains a chemical called “persin.” This is actually very toxic to dogs and should be avoided if possible. Persin is known to cause dogs diarrhea and vomiting.
Dogs should NOT eat cherries. While they may make a great topping for any sundae, they contain cyanide and are very toxic for dogs. Cyanide can prevent oxygen from getting into your dogs blood cells. If Fido accidentally gets a cherry make sure to watch for dilated pupils, red gums, or difficulty breathing. Those signs might indicate cyanide poisoning.

Grapes are very much a no no with dogs. They have been proven to be very toxic and cause issues in all types of dogs. Grapes have been known to be toxic enough to cause acute sudden kidney failure.

There are 50,000 known species of mushroom throughout the world. Only around 50-100 of these species have been proven to be toxic to dogs and cause issues or even death. Even though the odds are good, you are probably better of not taking the risk and giving a dog a mushroom.
The Allium family of plants, most commonly onions, should not be fed to dogs. These plants are very poisonous. Eating onions can cause vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, or nausea. At worst eating these could also cause red blood cells to rupture. Japanese breeds of dogs, such as Akitas and Shiba Inus are more sensitive to these plants, but any and all breeds can be susceptible to these plants.
Tomatoes are great on burgers and sandwiches, but they aren’t so good for dogs. Tomatoes contain a chemical called “solanine” and this stuff is very toxic to dogs. Most parts of the tomato do not have solanine, but you would just be better off avoiding tomatoes for Fido.

Healthy Snacks Your Dog Can Have

That’s a lot of foods your dog shouldn’t eat. Here are some awesome foods that they CAN eat.



“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Apples are an awesome source of vitamins A and C, fiber, and they are low in protein and fat. All that and they taste awesome too! Just make sure to take out the core and any seeds before giving this tasty treat to your dog.



Just like monkeys, dogs go bananas for bananas. These yellow fruit are high in potassium, vitamins, biotin, fiber, AND copper. Just keep in mind bananas are very high in sugar, so these make better treats than a meal.



Blueberries are another fruit that makes a great treat. These small berries are packed with antioxidants, fiber, and phytochemicals. These, similar to bananas can make great treats for Fido.

Broccoli is an interesting food when it comes to dogs. First off, it is best in very small quantities. It is very high in fiber and vitamin C. You will need to keep in mind broccoli also contains isothiocyanates which can cause mild to potentially severe gastric irritation. The stalks can also potentially block your dogs esophagus. It’s probably best to discuss with your pet’s veterinarian before giving them this veggie.


Brussels Sprouts are a very polarizing vegetable, some people love them, others dislike them. However, the undeniable fact is these things are loaded with nutrients and antioxidants. But beware, feeding too many Brussels Sprouts can cause your dog to get gas.


Melons are awesome, cantaloupe included. This orange melon is full of good nutrients and low in calories! However, this is another food that would be a better treat due to how much sugar this fruit has.


“Eh, what’s up Doc?” Carrots are a great low calorie veggie for dogs. They also happen to be high in fiber and beta-carotene. Chewing on carrots also happens to be fantastic for your dog’s teeth.



Just like it is for humans, celery is a great snack for dogs. This vegetable is loaded with vitamins A, B, and C. Celery is also known to promote a healthy heart and can even freshen doggy breath!

Cucumbers are a very healthy vegetable for dogs.Cucumbers don’t have any carbs, fats, or oils. They boost energy levels. On top of that, cucumbers are absolutely packed with vitamins K, C, and B1, potassium, copper, mangesium, AND biotin. That’s a lot of nutrients.


Just like cantaloupe, watermelon is an amazing snack for dogs. This thing is full of vitamins A, B6, and C. It’s also low in calories and contains potassium. It also is ~92% water, so it’s a great warm weather treat.

Here’s another COOL tip!

It’s summer time, and boy is it hot outside! Try taking some of your pet’s favorite healthy snacks; such as apples, watermelon, or bananas and throw them in the freezer for a little while. The fruits will maintain their flavor and nutritional value while also being a nice cool snack to help cool off after a nice walk outside.

Click the image to the left to learn more about summer heat and how to help your dog stay cool this summer!

In Conclusion

There are a lot of foods your dog should or shouldn’t eat. Ultimately what your dog eats is up to you and your veterinarian. Before making any drastic changes to your pet’s diet it is recommended that you consult with your veterinarian and discuss what changes you might start to see with a modified diet.

For a longer list containing even more foods dogs can or can’t have check out the American Kennel Club’s article on Fruits and Veggies Dogs Can and Can’t Eat.
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