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Why your pet’s dental health is important.
February is National Pet Dental Health Month!
Just like humans, our pets need regularly scheduled dental cleanings, as well as daily upkeep. Imagine how our teeth would look and feel if we didn’t brush for months at a time! Not taking care of pets’ teeth puts them at risk for periodontal disease, cysts in the mouth, infected teeth, and more.
What can I do for my pet’s dental health?
Pets should get a dental cleaning once to twice a year, depending on the dog. Dental cleanings should always be done by a vet at a vet clinic. There, the vet can clean the dogs’ teeth thoroughly while the dog is under anesthetic, ultimately decreasing the amount of stress the dog is put under!
A few signs that your pet needs a trip to the dentist could include bad breath, broken or loose teeth, teeth that are discolored or covered in tartar, reduced appetite, bleeding, pain, or swelling in and around the mouth, or abnormal chewing or drooling.
What Can I Do At Home?
Instead of waiting 6-12 months for your pets’ dental cleaning, there are a few things you can do at home to help improve your pets’ dental health. The Veterinary Oral Health Council has a list of products for dogs and cats that can promote good oral health. This list of VOHC approved products include dental diets, dental chews, water additives, toothpaste, oral gels, toothbrushes, and wipes.
Here at Bark ‘N’ Town we carry several different dental care products in addition to offering teeth brushing as one of our grooming services.
Additional Resources
Dr. Sheldon Rubin of the AVMA explains the process of teaching a dog or cat to accept daily teeth brushing.
Dr. Morton of Animal Hosptal of Lake Villa gives you some tips to help you with. brushing your dog’s teeth.