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Hey Everyone!

Aubrey here! Some of you may know me, but for those of you who don’t I am Brian and Beverly’s (the owners of BNT) oldest son. I do a lot of work helping out with our Facebook page, the BNT Blog, and other marketing things. Now that I’ve introduced myself, if I could borrow just a couple of moments to say a few words…

My mom Beverly is one of the coolest people I know. Recently she applied and was admitted to the Goldman-Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program in Chicago. This is no small feat as she was one of only 29 other people/businesses to be admitted out of the hundreds of applicants for the Chicago cohort.

Being in the program meant that she was going downtown to Harold Washington College to attend 100 hours of classes and clinics with many knowledgeable business people over the course of 15 weeks. Learning about numerous topics relating to many aspects of business. The outcome of all of these classes is a growth plan for Bark ‘N’ Town.

A couple of weeks ago

was her graduation that I was lucky enough to attend. It was incredible getting to see how happy and proud Beverly was, not only for graduating, but also how darn proud she was of Bark ‘N’ Town. I also had the pleasure of meeting many of the friends she made during the program and they didn’t have enough words to describe how amazing my mom is.

According to her the program was informative, intense, and rewarding. I would agree with every one of those descriptors. The knowledge she gained is already being implemented at Bark ‘N’ Town and will be more and more moving forward as we implement Beverly’s growth plan.

My parents took over Bark ‘N’ Town

nearly 16 years ago and it’s been in our family for almost 34 years. I have been working and helping out here for pretty much all 16 of the years my parents have owned this place and it has changed and evolved immensely over those years and continues to do so. I am always very proud to tell people where I work and how much fun it is getting to work with such awesome bosses, co-workers, and guests.


I guess the point of this whole thing is this. Beverly, I am unbelievably proud of the work you have done graduating the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program. I am even more proud of the work you and Brian continue to do with Bark ‘N’ Town, I cannot wait to see where you guys take us next!


One last thing…

I was also asked by Beverly to mention that if you are a small business owner interested in the program to reach out to her. She would be more than happy to talk with you. In her words, the program has been life changing.

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